As you begin to think more about applying to colleges, you may be wondering how you can start your search off right. Below are three easy steps to take as you narrow down your options.
Dream it
Before you start searching for different schools to visit, take time to gather your thoughts. Are you interested in going to a big or a small school? Do you know what you want to major in? Will you stay close to home or choose a new place to explore? This way, you'll know exactly what you're on the lookout for.
Do your research
Next, start your online search and compile a list of colleges that fits your criteria. Not sure where to start? Ask your guidance counselor, teachers, or family members for ideas. You can also review information on third party websites like The College Board.
Scout new territory
Once you've found schools that you're interested in, plan a visit in the summer or fall to get a feel for college life. Make sure to add La Salle to your visit list.